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Paying attention to your child during their early childhood is a given, especially if they happen to be your first child. However, apart from the amazement of your child’s growth, paying attention to them while they grow, especially during the initial part of their childhood will help you spot their difficulties ahead of time. This inevitable will make it easier on you to get help for your child; if required. Here are four such things to pay attention to.

Their General Development

First, we would like to stress and be very clear about the fact that each child is different. In quite the same way, their development will be at different speeds as well. Never worry unnecessarily by comparing your child to others their age. This being said, it’s still a good idea to be familiar with the stages of a child’s development; and to know what to expect from a child during a certain age of their young life. For example, by the time your child reaches the age 3 or 4, you should pay attention to how they play along with other children. Most children this age will be willing to play with others. Remember, if your child is not playing with other children, it is not a cause of worry¾it will just help you deal with them and understand them better as they grow.

Their Physical Form and Their Growth

Until around the age of 3, your child’s body has not fully developed, even if it may appear so from the outside. As each child develops in their own speed, they might take time to roll over, crawl, sit up by themselves, and also eventually, walk by themselves. If even after the recommended period for them to walk, which can vary from child to child, your child is still unsteady on their feet or expresses pain, it may be a good idea to consult a paediatrician or a podiatrist. It’s always based to consult doctors in your locality, so if you live in Yarra, consult Podiatry South Yarra based.

Their Speech Pattern and Teeth

In general, most children start stringing a few words by the time they hit the age 2 or 3. However, it is never a cause to be alarmed if your child is taking a little while longer than his peers to do so. It might simply be due to the fact that he or she is not exposed to a lot of chatter. Talk to your child often, and respond to him even when he blabbers. This gives him the confidence that you understand him, motivating him to try out words. Once he starts speaking pay attention to his speech. If even by the age of 6 his speech is not very clear, it may be a good idea to give him a little speech training; like elocution lessons.

Their Eyes and Vision

Thanks to how soon children get exposed to laptops, televisions and smartphones, it’s no wonder that children are more likely to need help with their vision from a very early stage. By the time they hit 5 years, it’s vital that you take them for an eye examination; which will help you identify any vision difficulties early on in their life, and give them a good chance to get rid of it.

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