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Elderly people require special attention and love, you might have an elderly relative or a loved one and they may have trouble looking after themselves. When people age their body becomes weak and they become someone who will require help from outside, this is natural for the human body and the people around aged person must extend their hand and help. This may be by looking after the elderly person by them or by hiring a caregiver.

Providing care at home

You can be a busy person and may be unable to look after your elderly loved one at home all day because you would have to go out and earn during this time you can bring in home assistance. Before you proceed with this you have to initially analyse what kind of help and care would the elderly person want, depending on their health status and how well they manage the day-to-day activities the type of support they need to vary.

For example, the elderly person may not have trouble with basic things like getting dressed or eating, then you would only need someone who would come over occasionally to help with the chores and some errands and on the other hand the elderly person may not be able to fulfill basic needs or may have trouble with moving around. Then you can hire a nurse who has a certificate in aged care.

Listen to them

In most cases your elderly loved ones may not like or are not willing to receive help so talk to them with kindness and ask for opinions from them, extend help indirectly and when they talk about their needs or feelings listen to them.

Put in safety features in the house

Whether your elderly loved one or relative is living on their own or with you it is better to install safety features around the house, when people grow old even if they are able to carry out activities on their own their body is not the same as before.

Talk to the doctor or the care specialist or the physical therapist and see what kind of modification you have to bring and make the environment at home safe and comfortable for them for example you can have railing or bars installed in the bathroom, living room or hallways so it’s easy for them to grab and walk, installing shower seats or raised toilet seats, stair climbers, installing non slip surface on the floors in the bathroom and on stairs, putting in brighter lights around the house.

Staying active is very important

To keep your elderly loved ones healthy, it is important that they stay active. Of course, they are not able to perform intense activity but it’s important to keep them physically engaged, according to the CDC it is advised to get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. Before you involve them in any activity it is best to talk to the doctor or physical therapist.


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